Asthma is long term disease that has no cure . The goal of treatment is to control disease . This control shall result in prevention of chronic symptoms like coughing , shortness of breath, maintain good lung function .
Long term control medicines :
Inhaled corticosteroids: these corticosteroids are preferred medicine for long term control of asthma. They are most effective option for long term relief .
One common side effect of inhaled corticosteroids is thrush , a mouth infection.
Cromolyn:cromolyn prevents inflammation of airways .It is administered by aid of nebulizer which sends mist of drug to the lungs.
Omalizumab:Omalizumab prevents trigger reactions when exposed to asthma triggers like pollen and dust mites. It is administered as an injection(shot).
Long acting beta2 agonists: They are taken in combination with corticosteroids to improve asthma control as inhalation .These drugs open the blocked airways
Leukotriene modifiers: These drugs block the chain reaction that increases airway inflammation.