Empagliflozin , marketed as Jardiance is a drug used in treatment of type-2 diabetes which acts by inhibiting Sodium Glucose co-transporter (DGLT-2) .This drug blocks the reabsorbption of glucose in kidneys and hence pass out of the body in urine.it is administered through oral route and once-daily medication.
NICE , National Institute for Health and Care Excellence rebuffed ,asked Boehringer for new analysis and comparisons with available treatments and revised look at cost -effectiveness.According to NICE there is a good evidence to show Empagliflozin is clinically effective in type-2 diabetes but there is a need for more inforamtion to demonstrate its cost -effectiveness when compared with other treatments that NHS already provides.
On the other hand in United States , Jardiance already hits stores .Eli Lilly and Boehringer Ingelheim are the manufacturers of Jardiance.
NICE , National Institute for Health and Care Excellence rebuffed ,asked Boehringer for new analysis and comparisons with available treatments and revised look at cost -effectiveness.According to NICE there is a good evidence to show Empagliflozin is clinically effective in type-2 diabetes but there is a need for more inforamtion to demonstrate its cost -effectiveness when compared with other treatments that NHS already provides.
On the other hand in United States , Jardiance already hits stores .Eli Lilly and Boehringer Ingelheim are the manufacturers of Jardiance.