Dialysis treatment- More men receive Dialysis treatment than woman do

Based on international patient data, Meduni vienna and Arbor research collaborative for health USA has highlighted in their publication that fewer women than men receive dialysis treatment for chronic kidney disease even though women suffer more commonly than men from kidney disease.
                               Patient data has been collected in Dialysis outcomes and practice patterns study(DOPPS) since 1996  and subjected to scientific analysis. Total 12 countries involved in analysis ( United States,UK,Canada,France,Germany,Japan,Sweden, Italy,Australia,Belgium,Spain)
                               Overall average of 59:41(Men : Women) was the distribution ratio  This study results are vital as in general assumption more women are effected with kidney disease than men do.

Recognize Stroke - 'FAST'

If you notice any of these warnings of stroke immediately call emergency medical service.

Face- has there mouth dropped ?
Arms-can they lift arms ?
speech-do they have slurred speech ?
Time-critical. Respond quickly as time duration plays life-death role.

Atrial Fibrillation (AF) importance in stroke

Atrial fibrillation,AF is an under treated heart condition which causes the Atria of heart (two chambers of heart,upper) to quiver ( tremble,shake with slight rapid motion) instead of beating effectively.
          This leads to incomplete out pumping of blood , pooling of blood , in turn clotting.These clots can travel to brain and trigger a major fatal stroke Those with Atrial Fibrillation  are at 5 times more risk of stroke than others.

Role of salt in Stroke

Salt raises blood pressure which leads to higher risk of stroke. salt intake should be less than 5 gm a day to lower the risk of stroke in adults and even below 5 gm in childhood as Blood pressure start it raise in childhood..

Reduce risk of stroke - 5 important measures

1.Know your risk factors viz . High B.P,High cholesterol in blood,Diabetes
2. Exercise regularly to stay physically active
3.Limit alcohol consumption,smoking.
4.Be aware of stroke warning signs
5.Diet high in vegetables and fruit and low salt to keep Blood pressure low

Novartis dis-invests influenza vaccine business to CSL for 275 Million USD.

Novartis to dis-invest its influenza vaccines business to CSL ltd for USD 275 million.As this transaction requires regulatory approval,it is expected to close in second half of 2015 .Novartis remains committed to influenza business during the transaction period to closing which also includes honoring agreements with customers ,R&D for influenza vaccines and product launches.
          Earlier , in April 22, 2014 ,Novartis reached a definitive agreement with GSK(Glaxosmithkline) to exchange certain assets , building global leadership in key segments and focusing Novartis portfolio.
 And Novartis announced a definitive agreement with ELI Lilly and Company to divest its Animal health division further focusing its portfolio on leading business of innovative pharmaceuticals , eye care and generics. 

Tosedostat, a novel Anti-Tumour drug

TOSEDOSTAT is an oral aminopeptidase inhibitor that has demonstrated anti -tumour response in blood cancers and solid tumours  in phase 1-2 clinical trials .At present, phase 2/3 is being conducted referred to as AML less intensive(LI-D trial).
         Aminopeptidases are required by tumour cells to provide amino acids necessary for growth and survival .
                Tosedostat is curently being evaluated in multiple phase 2 trials for treatment of patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia(AML) or high risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome(MDS)

CTI BIOPHARMA, acquires world wide rights to Tosedostat

CTI Biopharma has acquired world wide rights to TOSEDOSTAT through concurrent transactions with Vernalis R&D Ltd and Chroma Therapeutics.Under terms of assets purchase agreement with Chroma Therapeutics , CTI Biopharma acquired Chroma rights,titlle , and interest in TOSEDOSTAT  in exchng for USD 21.3 million in shares to  Chroma Therapeutics.Also CTI Biopharma entered in to license agreement with Vernalis R&D for world wide rights to use IPR(intellectual property rights) and certain patents to develop , market and commercialize TOSEDOSTAT.

Amgen alleges Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals infringed its patents , files lawsuit

Amgen filed a lawsuit in US district court of Dalaware against sanofi and Regeneron pharmaceuticals . They allegedly infringed US patent rights with patent numbers 8563698,8829165,8859741. These patents are owned by Amgen which describe and claim monoclonal antibodies to pro-protein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 {PCSK9}. With this lawsuit Agmen wants injunction to prevent infringing sale of Alirocumab,a monoclonal antibody targeting pcsk9 from Regeneron pharmaceuticals as they recently announced seeking regulatory approval for marketing alirocumab in US

Drugs for treatment of Asthma

Asthma is long term disease that has no cure . The goal of treatment is to control disease . This control shall result  in prevention of chronic symptoms like coughing , shortness of breath, maintain good lung function .
Long term control medicines :
Inhaled corticosteroids: these corticosteroids are preferred medicine for long term control of asthma. They are most effective option for long term relief .
One common side effect of inhaled corticosteroids is thrush , a mouth infection.
Cromolyn:cromolyn prevents inflammation of airways .It is administered by aid of nebulizer which sends mist of drug to the lungs.
Omalizumab:Omalizumab prevents trigger reactions when exposed to asthma triggers like pollen and dust mites. It is administered as an injection(shot).
Long acting beta2 agonists: They are taken in combination with corticosteroids to improve asthma control as inhalation .These drugs open the blocked airways

Leukotriene modifiers: These drugs block the chain reaction that increases airway inflammation.